Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Episode 34: Jesus Didn't Take Your Punishment (God's Not Mad, Part 3)
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
It's part 3 of our series for Lent, "God's Not Mad" and today we're talking about the cross. I don't know about you, but I was taught to believe that Jesus died on the cross because God was mad at my sin and so He took my punishment so that if I would "believe in Him" and "surrender to Him" I'd get to go to heaven when I die instead of hell. In short, my sin and everybody's sin is a big problem for God and Jesus is the answer.
What if that's not it, though? Like, what if it's more than that? Different than that? Better than that?
Let's talk about it!
Show Notes:
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Episode 33: You Can't Cite Moses To Shut Jesus Up (God's Not Mad, Part 2)
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
It's Week 2 of God's Not Mad and I have the flu - HA! Good times. Anyways, as I'm hopped up on cold medicine and battling clogged ears, razor blades in my throat, and all sorts of other horrors, we're talking about the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus - what's the deal with His dazzling white clothes? Moses and Elijah? Peter wanting to build 3 houses? And God telling everybody to listen to Jesus? What the heck is going on? Check it out all out right here!
Show Notes:
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
It's week 1 of "God's Not Mad" and this week we're talking about the Good News and I share how if the Good News is that Jesus died to save me from my sins so that by believing in Him I can go to heaven while those who don't believe go to hell to be tortured for eternity ... then I don't believe it. God's not an angry guy in the sky damning unbelievers to hell, He's the Father whose door is always open to the prodigal.
Show Notes:
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Episode 31: Dr. James Danaher And The Spiritual Journey
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
In this week's episode I sit down with my philosophy professor from Nyack College, Dr. James Danaher, to talk about his newest book "Truth, Prayer, Identity, and the Spiritual Journey".
Show Notes:
Truth, Prayer, Identity, and the Spiritual Journey
Before Jane
- iTunes
- Spotify
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Episode 30: Pete Enns Tells Us How The Bible Actually Works
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
In this week's episode I sit down with one of my favorite Bible scholars to talk about his new book, "How The Bible Actually Works". Regardless of where you are on your journey of faith, this book will give you some good insight into being a more faithful reader of the good book. Check it out.
Show Notes:
The What If Project on Patreon
Before Jane on SPOTIFY and iTUNES
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
This is the final installment of Burn Those Books and we're talking about Julia Duin's book Quitting Church. It's not a book that encourages people to leave church, but explores some reasons as to WHY people are leaving and WHAT to do about it. I share some of my own story of pastoring churches as well the season my family is currently in in regards to church involvement. Be sure to check out the What If Project Patreon page (** link below) and have an incredible week!
Show Notes:
Quitting Church by Julia Duin
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
It's part 2 of our 3 part series, "BURN THOSE BOOKS!" where I'm sharing with you the 3 books that impacted me the most in 2018 - books that likely wouldn't be looked too highly upon in your typical church. Last week we looked at Brian McLaren's book, "The Great Spiritual Migration" and this week we're looking at John Pavlovitz's "A Bigger Table" and how it prompted me to think a little deeper about my own season of deconstruction / reconstruction and how my theology and thoughts about God, church, spirituality, etc. got to where it is today.
A Bigger Table - https://www.amazon.com/Bigger-Table-Authentic-Spiritual-Community/dp/0664262678/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=a+bigger+table&qid=1549680947&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/whatifproject
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
This is week 1 of a 3 week series called "Burn Those Books" where I'm sharing with you the 3 books that impacted me the most in 2018 ... books that most likely wouldn't be welcomed in your typical church. The first book is Brian McLaren's "The Great Spiritual Migration" and in this episode I share with you one of my biggest takeaways from the book and the impact that it's made on me and what's coming out of the What If Project.
Show Notes:
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
This is part 2 of the 2 part series, "Instant Replay" where we're looking back at the 2 most dowloaded episodes of season 1. This week we replay the MOST downloaded episode, my conversation with Dr. Phil Snider about what the Bible really says about homosexuality. I hope it challenges you and blesses you as much as it did me!
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
This is week 1 of a 2 part series called "Instant Replay" where we're looking back at the 2 most downloaded episodes of season 1 and replaying them. The second most downloaded episode was an interview I did with Dr. Alexander John Shaia about his book "Heart and Mind" where he looks at the 4 Gospels and talks about how they are a picture of the seasons that every human being passes through on life journey.
Check out the episode, go get the book, and give the What If Project some love on iTunes.
Show Notes:
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Today we talk to theologian and author Thomas Oord about his new book, "God Can't". If you've ever wondered WHY bad things happen, WHY bad things happen to good people, or WHERE God was when ________, AND if you're tired of the easy answers of "God has a plan" , "everything happens for a reason" , "God is sovereign and this tragedy is all part of His plan to make your mess His message" - this episode and book are for you.
Theologians And Philosophers Using Social Media
The Sin of Certainty by Pete Enns
Divine Echoes by Mark Karris
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Welcome to Season 2 of the What If Project podcast! This week I sit down with one of my favorite authors and thinkers, Brian McLaren, to talk about some thoughts from his latest book, The Great Spiritual Migration. We talk about hell, why reading the Bible as if it were a constitution is a bad idea, and why Jesus was really terrible at representing an exclusive God.
Show Notes:
The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McLaren
Is Jesus the Only Way? by Brian McLaren
Saving Paradise by Rebecca Ann Parker
Yung Citizen on iTunes
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Episode 22: The Jesus I Came To Know In 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
In this final episode of 2018 I talk through a piece of the theology paper I wrote for my last class at Alliance Theological Seminary. We've been talking about the Gospel of Mark over the last 5 months at the What If Project and so my paper is kind of a capstone on that study where I talk through 6 different observations about Jesus as He was presented by Mark in his Gospel. Check it out, be challenged, and enjoy!
Show Notes:
Read the Full Paper HERE.
Binding the Strong Man by Ched Myers
Mark for Everyone by NT Wright
Heard and Mind by Dr. Alexander John Shaia
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Episode 21: Advent Week 4 - The Darkness Of The Womb
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
This is the last bonus episode for the season of Advent and we're talking about the early Celtic Christians and how their understanding of darkness and light being friends as opposed to enemies led to the formation of the Advent season and can help bring deeper meaning to our understanding of Christmas in 2018.
Show Notes:
Dr. Alexander John Shaia on the RobCast
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Episode 20: Advent Week 3 - The People Who Weren't Present When Jesus Was Born
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
This is the 3rd bonus episode for the season of Advent and rather than talk about the significance of the people who WERE present at Jesus' birth (Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, etc, etc) we're talking about the significance of the people who were NOT present at His birth - the temple leaders, the rich, the powerful, etc. Why is that important? And what's it mean for us today? (HINT: a WHOLE lot).
Show Notes:
Blog - whatifproject.net
Devotions for Advent by Richard Rohr
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Episode 19: Jesus And His Upside-Down Kingdom
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Today we talk about the significance of Jesus being crucified in between 2 thieves and how Jesus' Kingdom is one that lifts up the downcast while casting down the prideful, bringing in the outsider, and giving honor to those who the world would think are least deserving. Not only is that Good News for you and me, but it's also a challenge for you and me to make our world more like His all inclusive, loving Kingdom.
Show Notes:
Mark for Everyone by NT Wright
Binding the Strong Man by Ched Myers
Heart and Mind by Alexander Shaia
Website: whatifproject.net
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Episode 18: Advent Week 2 - John Son Of Zechariah
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
In this week's bonus episode we talk a little more about the Advent season and explore how in the Gospel of Luke John the Baptist isn't referred to as John the Baptist, but as John the Son of Zechariah. John's father was a priest and as a priest's son John would have had special privileges as Jewish Royalty. BUT, instead of growing up to wear a crown of sorts, he dressed like a hippie and headed out to the desert where he served the community. Why is that important? And what's it have to do with Christmas? And with you and me? Let's talk about it.
Show Notes:
Blog - whatifproject.net
Heart and Mind by Alexander Shaia
Episode 8: Alexander Shaia and the Four Gospels
Devotions for Advent by Richard Rohr
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
In this week's episode we talk about the Last Supper that Jesus served to His disciples, what communion has come to mean for us today, and how the church has taken what Jesus intended to be the most inclusive place in the universe (His Table) and made it into an exclusive club that requires people to believe a certain way and live in a certain way before they are welcome to come and take the bread and drink the wine.
Show Notes:
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Episode 16: Advent Week 1 - Making Room
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
This is the first episode of a short mid-week series for Advent 2018 ... that I decided to put together while driving home from work the other night. For the next 4 weeks we'll be exploring a few themes / ideas from Richard Rohr's book, "Preparing For Christmas: Daily Meditations For Advent" and challenging ourselves to think different and bigger and deeper about Christmas. Today we talk about what it means to make room for Jesus in our world and our lives and how that room often comes from a very unlikely source.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Episode 15: Church - Stop Making People Tithe
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
In this week's episode we talk about the story of the widow who threw her last 2 coins into the offering plate in the Temple and how Jesus' words aren't so much a challenge for us to be like her, but a challenge for us to be UNLIKE the teachers who told her that that's what she needed to do. Have you ever felt guilty or ashamed for not putting money in the offering plate at church? Or are you a pastor or teacher who has poured it on hard in an effort to get people in your congregation to give more? Check out some different ideas around this well known story!
Show Notes:
Mark for Everyone by NT Wright
Binding the Strong Man by Ched Myers
Heart and Mind by Alexander Shaia
A Warning About the Scribes by H. Fleddermann
Website: whatifproject.net